
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Straight from the Quran

Whatever ye are given here is but a convenience of this life, but that which is with Allah is better and more lasting. It is for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. 
Those who avoid the greater crimes and shameful deeds and when they are angry even then forgive.
Those who harken to their Lord and establish regular prayers who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation who spend out of what we bestow on them for sustenance. 
And those who when an oppresive wrong is inflicted on them are not cowed but help and defend themselves.
The recompense for an an injury is an injury equal thereto in degree, but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation his reward is due to from Allah. For Allah loveth not those who do wrong. 
(Quran 42: 36-40)

Here Allah reminds us that this life is NOT lasting and we should look forward to the next life and prepare for that. What is with Allah is for those who BELIEVE and look to Allah and dedicate themselves to him. It is for those who avoid great sin, Allah knows that we are not perfect and He knows we slip but we must strive hard to avoid the great sins; Allah knows what is in our hearts. And we should forgive even when we are angry. Most of us find it hard to even think about forgiveness when we are angry. Our rage clouds our higher mind and we just want to do damage. However, Allah is telling us that we should forgive even when we are angry. This is the character of a muslim. 
It is for those who worship and praise Allah and go about their affairs in the proper way and are charitable. Allah lets us know that we should rise against oppression and stand for justice. We should not ignore injustice and oppresion but must act against it. Whether the injustice be done directly to us or others, we must defend ourselves and those around us. However, Allah tells us not to go beyond what is just, we cannot inflict on someone what is not equal to what they inflicted. And Allah indicates that forgiveness and resolution is the best way and we should strive for that. 

How do we apply the teachings of the Quran? How can we use the Quran as our guide?
By reading what the Quran says and implementing it in our character. I, for one, will strive to forgive always, even when I am angry, which I know will be hard because I already find it hard to forgive even when I am not angry. I need to learn forgiveness and change the way I view things.  I will strive to avoid sin, to establish prayer and devote my time to Allah. I will strive to stand up for justice whenever possible and use the powers I have, however limited they might be, to help and defend myself and others. 
May Allah make it easy for me and all of us. Amin

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