Alhamdulilahi!!! I thank Allah for letting me see another Friday! The khutbah today was very touching. It was a great reminder about the importance of seeking Allah's guidance.
We cannot guide ourselves alone. We might have the intention to be on the straight path and we might start to align our lifestyle and behavior in tune however, we need to ask Allah, Ar-Rasheed ( the guide to the right path), to guide us and help us. We need to pray to Allah earnestly and sincerely for guidance. Allah is the only one that can guide us. we need Allah to help us grow in our iman and the change our lives every day.
Also, we have to put in the necessary effort, relinquishing our bad traits and striving to lead good lives. "And those who strive in our cause, We will certainly guide them to our paths: for verily Allah is with those who do right" (29:69). Once we let our hearts open to Allah and live a life that is pleasing to Him, Allah will guide us. We need to change our selves and ask Allah to help us.
Ya Rabbil alameen, please guide us to the straight path. Make beautiful and endearing to us things that will lead us closer and closer to you. Help us every step of the way and make it easy for us. Amin.
I pray that Allah keeps us all till next friday! inshaAllah. May Allah forgive us our sins, make us all inhabitants of jannah and saves us from hell. Amin.
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