
Sunday, September 2, 2012

6 Days of Shawwal- Day Three

Over the next few days as I fast my 6 days in Shawwal, I will desperately cling to the spirit of Ramadan by reflecting and remembering all the important lessons I learned.
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Day Three: Bonding with the Quran

This is a no-brainer, we should all read the Quran fervently. It is our guide and holds the answers to so many questions and problems we might have. I always had a good habit of reading and studying the Quran. However, I increased my bond with the Quran this Ramadan. My goal was to read the entire Book, in English, over the month.   I didn't complete it before the month ended it but mashaAllah I absorbed alot, and I am still reading now. Being that Ramadan is the month of the Quran, it makes sense to celebrate our Holy Book by reading and studying it. Scores of Muslims, read the Quran in its entirety once or more during Ramadan, mashaAllah. In Ramadan, I saw so many Muslims reading their Quran, at all times of the day. So what happens to this passion for the Quran post Ramadan? We all need to keep our passion for the Quran every single day.

Whenever I read the Quran, it has a profound effect on me. I am calmer. More aware of my actions. More attuned to Allah and what He expects from me. More aware of Allah's love for and mercy to all of us. And I want this to resonate daily. The world is a busy and distracting place and we all need constant reminders about what really matters. The Quran is that reminder. Lets indulge in it and allow it to guide us.

My favorite Quran habit I picked up this Ramadan is listening to the Quran to fall asleep. I've always had trouble falling asleep at night and I discovered this Ramadan that the Quran is a good remedy for that. Now, I pop in my earphones and play the Quran in a low volume. Overcome by calmness and peace, I drift into sleep. Love it!

We should all study the Quran in whatever language we understand. Its important that this Book become a part of us. How many of us can say we have read the Quran in its entirety? How many of us have studied and analyzed the Quran to the point of being the "men of understanding" that Allah tells us about? How many of us read the Quran more than news articles, school textbooks, Facebook posts, or twitter rants?

We need to get our priorities straight. We need to make our beloved Book a must read! Each day read a little, reflect over it, and absorb its teachings. I implore everyone to read their Glorious Book daily. Let it teach us something. Let it help us change.

May Allah make it easy for us. Amin.

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