
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

6 Days of Shawwal- Day Five

So sorry for the super late post, the past week was crazy. InshaAllah i'll post more consistently.

Over the next few days as I fast my 6 days in Shawwal, I will desperately cling to the spirit of Ramadan by reflecting and remembering all the important lessons I learned.
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Day Five: My Role in my community
This was definitely a theme throughout Ramadan. Different people at various times urged me and a few other young adults to strive to help our Muslim community. It was a relentless reminder. A meddling motif that I could not shake off. It bared the shadows off pre-ramadan thoughts and ideas that had troubled my mind. And here it was during Ramadan, right between my eyes. I could no longer avoid or ignore it. I had to accept that I have a duty to serve my community.

We cannot watch as so many of our Muslim brothers and sisters become exceedingly lax in their deen or leave it entirely. We have a duty to help. We have to help our family, our friends and our community at large. I never believed that I, one individual, could do anything about it. But during Ramadan, the message was clear, I not only have the ability to do something about it, I have to do something about it. We, Muslims, are one brotherhood and we must support and help one another on the straight path.

I learned this Ramadan  that each and every one of us has an impact we must make on society. We have to motivate each other to increase our iman and stay on the straight path. We need to talk to our family, friends, community members. Create support groups, link up with one another, create programs, create opportunities to learn and grow. Give ourselves the chance to grow strong together.  If your community  at large is missing this, or your friends are missing this, then maybe its your duty, your purpose to help change that.

On Day five, I met with a lovely sister who is active in her community. She reassured me of the importance of contributing to society and gave me pointers because I was utterly confused about how, where or what to do.  She was very inspiring and she kept reiterating that the number one thing is to purify ones intentions and ask Allah for guidance. And she stressed the importance of seeking knowledge in other to keep one balanced and on track.

May Allah make it easy for all of us. Amin

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